perjantai 27. lokakuuta 2017

Polttarit, Synttärit & Juhlat Udumbarassa studiossa.

Keramiikkapaja on hauska vaihtoehto juhlille. Udumbaran studiossa voi jokainen kokeilla onneaan dreijan äärellä. Kokenut keraamikko (Eva Spoof) ohjaajana pitää huolen, että kaikki onnistuvat ja tapahtumasta jää muistoksi oma itse muotoiltu kukkaruukku. 

Aikuiset ja lapset (vanhempien seurassa) ovat Udumbaraan tervetulleita. 
Studio sijaitsee Helsingin Kalliossa, keskeisellä paikalla Sauna Arlan vieressä ja  lähistöllä on monia hyviä muitakin jatkopaikkoja, ravintoloita sekä baareja. 
Lisätietoja ja tilaus: UDUMBARA juhlat
Täältä kalenterista voi tarkistaa koska on vapaita aikoja: UDUMBARA ajanvaraus:

sunnuntai 3. syyskuuta 2017

Helsinki Day 2017: Painting Empty Bowls for Unicef

Empty Bowls Helsinki event is an annual HDW event that takes place at the atmospheric Crypt of the Helsinki Dome. The 2017 Empty Bowls Helsinki takes place on Saturday, September 16. Welcome

11 & 12 of June at  Helsinki Day celebrations we painted with new Helsinki residents 100 bowls blue and white (they are made from local Kultela clay) to celebrate 100-year-old independent Finland. 
The bowls will be donated for Empty Bowls Helsinki and also used in Helsinki Design weeks gala.

Here are some wonderful photos that Nelli Kivinen took of ready bowls for Unicef Helsinki. Thank you, Nelli. 

Here are some Facebook photos from the actual painting of the bowls at Udumbara in Helsinki Day 2017:

tiistai 8. elokuuta 2017


Photo by wonderful Nelli Kivistö. 

The newest addition to Helsinki’s dynamic art and design scene – where you can take a deep dive into two of Finland’s best-known design and lifestyle brands, Iittala and Arabia.
More than a window into the history, present, and future of these legendary brands, the center invites guests to interact with working artists and explore their own creativity through exhibitions, workshops, guided tours, design talks, and events.

I am happy to announce, that among others I  too will give Master Class workshop there, the first ones will be in October and December:

How to use Udumbara wildclay tea bowls.

UDUMBARA’s pieces are made from wild clay from the small village of Kultela in Somero, southwestern Finland. So, when you get UDUMBARA, you don't just get handmade pottery, you get a piece of Finland too. 

This natural material gives the products a wonderfully rich earthy character and thanks to the porous nature and rich iron and other mineral content of the clay, tea brewed in a wild clay bowl develops a richer flavor.

Udumbara wild clay bowls are made for use. You have to play with them and caress and rub them with your hands often. Wild clay, gains its shine from your touching and rubbing. A well "loved" wild clay bowl has a better glow than a less "loved" bowl.  

Photo courtesy of Nina Skogster

The light milky color, glazes will eventually develop fine crackles. As time passes, with use tea seeps in the crackles gives a patina that is prized and brings pleasure to tea connoisseurs. 

Never use soap or detergent on Udumbara wild clay bowls. Use it only for tea, it will absorb tea, as well as non-tea stuff.  Don't put your bowl near any funny smell, especially when they are wet. Use it only for tea.

After use, extract all tea leaves from your Udumbara bowl. Rinse it with hot water to wash away all tea inside. Wipe it with soft fabric to get rid of all water. Then leave the bowl in an airy place to dry.

perjantai 4. elokuuta 2017

Wine cooler workshop

Photo courtesy of Joanna Konarzewski

Wine cooler workshop  (in English)

# 1, Friday,  8th from5 to 9 pm and

#2, Saturday 30th of September 1 to 5 pm. 

How to keep the Chardonnay cool while waiting for friends to arrive?
 A terracotta wine cooler works nicely.  Make your terra-cotta Wine cooler from Finnish wild clay and you will keep your wine bottles chilled with your own personalized style. 

Come along and learn the pottery basics in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. At UDUMBARA you are submerged in a real pottery studio and learn how to handle local wild clay. In wine cooler workshop You will learn coiling and slap techniques. Whether you are a beginner or have worked with clay before, this class is the perfect place to get creative and make new friends.

General Class Information and registration: HERE

P.S. Udumbarassa osaamme myös suomea ja ruotsia. Kaikki on tervetulleita. 

Lantern workshop

Udumbara Wildclay pottery Kaarlenkatu 15, is in the cool Kallio "creative" district of Helsinki,
 next to Sauna Arla.  Photo by Kimmo Helsitö

Lantern workshop #2 (in English)
Thursday 28th of September from 5 PM to 9 PM, 2017

Brighten up your winter with your self-made tea-light lanterns.

To make it through the Nordic winter you need to add “Hygge” in your life.
"Hygge" means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight in a dark winter evening is “hygge" in essence.

Come along and learn the pottery basics in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. At UDUMBARA you are submerged in a real pottery studio and learn how to handle local wild clay. In lantern workshop, You will learn coiling and slap techniques. Whether you are a beginner or have worked with clay before, this class is the perfect place to get creative and make new friends.

Welcome to UDUMBARA. Registration: here

P.S. Udumbarassa osaamme myös suomea ja ruotsia, kaikki tervetulleita.
Lantern workshop #1


Here is a link for one way of making a lantern: Amaco

keskiviikko 21. kesäkuuta 2017


Lisää kuvateksti



Photo by Nina Skogster


Welcome to visit the studio in Kaarlenkatu 15, Helsinki.     
Just make an appintment first:

UDUMBARA pottery, Ecological luxury, Tea art, and flowerpots.

Photo by Nelli Kivinen @nellikuvaa.

Earth-friendly pottery. Ecological luxury, Tea art, and flowerpots by ceramic artist Eva Spoof. Creating sustainable eco-energy powered wild-clay ceramics.

Eva Spoof (f. Sarvela). Photo by
Päivi Kuusela. 

UDUMBARA pottery (est. 1994) products are made from wild, natural clay from the small village of Kultela in Somero, Southwestern Finland. 
The material gives the products a wonderfully rich earthy character. By choosing this local raw material, Eva wants to emphasize the unique and ecological value of wild clay.

Thanks to the Kultela clay's porous nature, its rich iron, and other mineral content, tea brewed in wild clay ware develops a richer flavor.

Wild clay planters are ideally suited for a plant's physiological needs. Part of their beauty is their tendency to beautify with age as they weather and absorb mineral salts from the soil.

When you have an Udumbara bowl, you don't just get handmade pottery, you get a piece of Finland too.

Welcome to visit the studio Helsinki, just make an appointment first:

Photo by Nelli Kivelä @nellikuvaa

Eva Spoof mark, created from Sarvela family mark. 

Ekologisk lyx av naturlera. Tekärl och blomkrukor gjorda med ettnordiskt grepp.

Keramik från UDUMBARA (grundat 1994) är gjord av naturlig lera från den lilla byn Kultela i Somero i Sydvästra Finland. Materialet ger keramiken en rik och jordnära karaktär. Udumbara betonar värdet av det ekologiska och den unika leran som dessutom är lokal.

Te som bryggs i produkter av  naturlera får en rikare smak via dess naturligt porösa konsistens som är rik på järn och andra mineraler.
Photo by Nina Skogster

En blomkruka av naturlera är som gjord för att tillfredsställa växtens fysiologiska behov. En del av dess skönhet ligger också i att den få en vacker patina då den  absorberar fukt och mineralsalter ur jorden. 

När du har en kruka från Udumbara har du inte bara en handgjord keramikprodukt, utan också ett stycke Finland.

Eva Spoof, photo by Arttu Talvitie

Välkommen till Ateljén  i Karlsgatan 15, i Berghäll , Helsingfors Vänligen kontakta oss:





photo by Nina Skogster


Photo by Nina Skogster

- [x] 野生粘土是植物最理想的生存土壤,它可以最大程度满足植物的生态需求。其最美妙之处在于,粘土会随着时间和气候推移从土壤中吸取各种矿物盐以丰富自身。


Welcome to the studio in Kaarlenkatu 15, Helsinki. Just make an appointment first at .

Экологически чистые изделия из природной глины.

Экологически чистые изделия из природной глины.

Керамические изделия "Удумбара" (нач. с 1994 года) сделаны из природной красной глины, добытой в селе Култела на юго-западе Финляндии. Материал придает изделиям богатую природную структуру. Выбирая это сырье, Удумбара хочет подчеркнуть 

уникальность и экологическую ценность природной глины.

Благодаря пористой текстуре глины, ее богатству железом и другими минералами, чай, заваренный в такой посуде, обладает более богатым вкусом.

Горшки из натуральной глины идеально подходят для физиологических потребностей растений. Их красота лишь растет с годами, благодаря получению минеральных солей из почвы.

Приобретая посуду от Удумбара, вы получаете не только керамическое изделие, сделанное своими руками, но и частичку Финляндии.

Eva Spoof, photo Arttu Talvitie.
Welcome to visit the studio in Kaarlenkatu 15, Helsinki. Just make an appointment first at .